Despite Rain, Residents Should Still Conserve Water
The rain might’ve been a welcome relief, but residents are still urged to conserve water.
“One of the big things to think about is even though we’ve had a lot of water lately, we are still way below normal for this time of year,” said Mark Ray, Crystal public works director. “We are still in even-odd water restrictions and no watering from noon until 6 p.m.”
Ray says the drought has been a statewide challenge in a number of ways and all water providers have been under a statewide drought plan.
Crystal, New Hope and Golden Valley are part of the Joint Water Commission, which purchases water from Minneapolis. The water actually comes from the Mississippi River.
“While the river is up, we still need to continue to conserve water because we do draw water from the river water and that watershed to the north needs to get water to be above drought concern levels,” said Ray.
Ray says residents will still be able to get safe, reliable water, but little things do help when it comes to conservation. Consider limiting how much water you use while showering, washing dishes or brushing your teeth, he said.