Champlin Park’s Kathryn Adler Excels in Volleyball and Art:

Anyone familiar with Champlin Park High School's volleyball team knows about Kathryn Adler. The 6'1" senior is considered as one of the top volleyball players in the state. But her skills go well beyond what you see on the court. She’s also a talented artist. "I just sort of grew up with it, and then about five years ago, I discovered painting and I found that's something I love to do," said Adler. "And I've always been interested in art history as well, so that sort of sparked everything so far." Anyone who's been to… Read More

Cities Stories

Celebrate! Brooklyn Park Aims to Bring Community Together:  Brooklyn Park leaders are placing new emphasis on Celebrate!… Read More

Mayor's Minutes & More

Mayor’s Minutes: Brooklyn Park’s Hollies Winston:  Brooklyn Park Mayor Hollies Winston talks with CCX Media's… Read More

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