Brooklyn Park Leaders Planning Biotech Innovation District
Brooklyn Park city leaders are focusing efforts headed into 2025 to market, support, and seek more funding to help support what they call the Biotech Innovation District, hundreds of acres near the intersection of U.S. Highway 169 and Minnesota Highway 610 in the northwest section of the city.

Parts of the city of Brooklyn Park nearest Highways 169 and 610 are designated as the Biotech Innovation District in hopes of attracting more med-tech industry.
“We’ve seen a lot of good success in research and development and manufacturing in the medtech industry, not only in Brooklyn Park but in the region as a whole, with Minnesota being a leader in that,” said City of Brooklyn Park Community Development Director Tim Gladhill. “(This is) really an opportunity to grow our tax breaks and to create some jobs in our community.”
Gladhill said the city is currently working on expanding infrastructure like water and sewer to the area. He said the city may hold public engagement events in the new year to try to gauge public support for development in that area of the city as a whole.
“We’re not just here to come up with all the answers and solutions, we want to engage the community to move this forward,” he said. “We’ll gather a lot of really great ideas from property owners and a lot of other community members in the community.”