Kaleidoscope Performing Arts Presents “Singin’ in the Rain Jr.”
Kaleidoscope Performing Arts is out with a new production, this time performing “Singin’ in the Rain Jr.” at Elision Playhouse in Crystal.
An adaptation of the celebrated musical features lots of dancing, singing and an important message.
“To be true to yourself. To be true to your hobbies, your passions, your talents, because whatever you bring to the stage or to real life is super important,” said Anabella Chiclana, who plays Lina Lamont.
“In my heart, I think Lina is misunderstood,” said Chiclana of her character. “I think she is actually just like a written example of the actors that were struggling during the transition between the silent film movie age and the talking movie age. Her voice is just so annoying and everyone just assumes she is the villain for it.”

Anabella Chiclana plays Lina Lamont.
Samuel Kapsner plays Don Lockwood, Lina’s romantic interest.
“He has a very big ego of how successful he is,” said Kapsner of his character. “And because of that he often gets blinded by to the people around him and the friends around who are trying to be friendly with him.”
Kapsner said the show leaves audiences feeling a range of emotions.
“It tugs at the heart strings a little bit, but in the best way possible and it just makes you feel all of those positive emotions in the best way.”
Performances of “Singin’ in the Rain Junior” run through Tuesday, June 23.
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