Brooklyn Park Partners with Minnesota Acts Now to Help Reduce Violence
To help curb the rise in violent crime in Brooklyn Park, city leaders are calling on an outside group to help bring the peace.
The group, Minnesota Acts Now, will help Brooklyn Park patrol the streets in hot spots associated with violence and loitering.
“There will be faith leaders, there will be community leaders, we’ll all be working together to create a safe environment for our children and the residents of Brooklyn Park,” said Bishop Harding Smith of Minnesota Acts Now.

Bishop Harding Smith of Minnesota Acts Now is one of the people who will patrol the streets of Brooklyn Park.
The area around 63rd and Zane, and the Huntington Place Apartments, are two of the places where the group will be deployed.
Smith says members of the team will earn $20 an hour.
“All of our people will be unarmed, and so we’re trusting the community that, in turn, they will welcome us with open arms,” Smith said.
Minnesota Acts Now will help Brooklyn Park through Dec. 31.