Blue Lights to Help Maple Grove Police Catch Red-light Runners
Maple Grove police now have a new tool to help enhance safety and reduce crashes at busy intersections.
The city of Maple Grove partnered with Hennepin County to install blue enforcement lights at various signalized intersections throughout the city.
The blue enforcement lights activate when a traffic signal turns red. An officer sitting perpendicular to the intersection can then identify when a vehicle runs a red light.
Police hope the lights help to reduce collisions and enhance safety as drivers statistically enter the most dangerous time of the year on Minnesota’s roads.

Blue light activates when signal turns red.
“We installed these very strategically with Hennepin County based on our traffic crash data to be the most effective in trying to prevent red light runners, and also to enforce the law in order to prevent those traffic crashes,” said Commander Jon Wetternach of the Maple Grove Police Department.
By the end of the summer, Maple Grove will have 14 red light enforcement lights installed at nine different intersections throughout the city. One of those intersections is County Road 81 and Elm Creek Blvd.