Ice Jams on Mississippi River Cause Flooding
The wonders of nature are found upstream on the Mississippi River in Champlin. The river is jamming up with ice – which is a rare phenomenon at this point in the winter. Ice jams typically occur in the spring.
The unusual occurrence has caused several problems. Those include flooding on foot paths and in back yards of homes in Anoka and Champlin. Authorities also blocked off roads to Mississippi Point Park in Champlin due to the flooding. Photojournalist Dustin Scholl captured photos of flooding in Champlin near the Ferry Street Bridge (also called the Anoka–Champlin Mississippi River Bridge).

Photo by Dustin Scholl/Flooding in Champlin Near Ferry Road Bridge
The National Weather Service issued a flood warning Monday for Anoka and Hennepin counties as the river overflowed its banks and threatened surrounding infrastructure.