Robbinsdale Schools Teacher Jeanne Kauffmann is Schmitt Music’s Educator of the Year
Jeanne Kauffmann, who teaches orchestra at Lakeview, Neill and Zachary Lane Elementary schools is one of Schmitt Music’s Educators of the Year. She’s taught music for more than 30 years.
“There’s nothing like seeing the joy of a student when they conquer ‘Twinkle, Twinkle,'” said Kauffmann.

Jeanne Kauffmann instructs students at Zachary Lane Elementary.
Kauffmann says she was flattered to receive the honor.
“It feels incredible and I don’t feel deserving,” said Kauffmann. “I work with an amazing team of teachers here in Robbinsdale, and they have made this program grow. We are working very hard to be inclusive of every student no matter where they are.”
Kauffmann says meeting students where they are means making sure they have an instrument and then are inspired to play. While practice every day is still encouraged, Kauffmann says teachers try to inspire students to practice, instead of giving them requirements.
“This is available for every student, and we just hope that they will continue,” said Kauffmann. “It gives them a lifelong appreciation for music and what they can do themselves.”
See also: Seven Dreams Education Foundation Raises Money for New Instruments