Newsmakers: Hennepin County Commissioner Kevin Anderson Touts ‘Zero Waste Plan’
Hennepin County Commissioner Kevin Anderson says the county has been developing a plan to cut down on trash.
“Hennepin County has been working hard to come up with a plan to divert or reduce up to 90 percent of the waste generated in Hennepin County so we avoid putting it in landfills or incineration,” said Anderson.
There are 58 points in a comprehensive ‘Zero Waste’ plan.
Some points include more accessibility for recycling options.
“We know if you put those options in front of people they will take advantage of them,” said Anderson, who represents District 7. “If we do a better job of getting it in front of the population, we’ll be able to make a big difference on the amount of waste.”
Anderson says the goal is to divert 90 percent of the waste, but the county can’t do it alone.
“We’re going to need to have partnerships at the state level, federal level. We need less waste created for consumers to throw away. We really need to emphasize how we need to work across all levels,” said Anderson.
The public is welcome to share their thoughts and ideas about Zero waste. You can give public input on the plan online.
See also: Hennepin County Plans Brooklyn Park Facility to Convert Food Waste into Fuel