New Data Show COVID-19 Transmission Rates in MN Schools Below 1%
Minnesota was the first in the nation to offer in-school saliva testing to teachers and staff just over a month ago. Data released Friday show transmission rates among educators to be at 0.37 percent. Health and education officials say that’s a good sign for teachers and students to remain safely in schools.
“Throughout the pandemic we have learned many lessons about what works and what doesn’t – and regular COVID testing works,” said Deputy Education Commissioner Heather Mueller. “This innovative program that provides free COVID testing to educators in their own school buildings is providing comfort and security during a school year that has seen a lot of uncertainty.”
Ninety-six percent of public school districts are participating in the testing program. Each school that participates tests staff every two weeks. Educators and staff are not required to take the tests for COVID-19. In addition, 41 percent of nonpublic schools and two out of four tribal schools are participating in the program.

Brooklyn Park offers COVID-19 saliva testing.
All elementary schools in the northwest suburbs have resumed in-person learning with most districts transitioning to hybrid learning for middle and high school students.
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