New Brooklyn Park Pop-Up Restaurant Offers Taste of the Philippines
At Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Brooklyn Park, there’s a new pop-up food stand called Ku•ma•in that sells traditional Filipino food you won’t find anywhere else in the city.
Ku•ma•in, which means ‘eat’ in the Tagalog language, was started by local chef Josie Schuette. She sets up outside the church every Wednesday to serve lunch and dinner.
“We’re from Hugo and we came across town today to buy some lumpia and some pancit from Josie because it’s the best in town,” said Elizabeth Pangerl, a customer.
Lumpia and pancit are terms most people are probably unfamiliar with, but they’re two of the signature dishes of the Philippines.
“The skewers taste exactly like my dad made them as I was a kid,” Pangerl said. “This is the real thing. Pancit tastes just like my grandma’s. The lumpia is better than my grandma’s. This is good stuff.”

Lumpia is one of the signature Filipino items on the menu at Ku•ma•in.
Ku•ma•in is open Wednesdays from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. The owner has plans to open a food trailer next spring.