‘Never Too Late,’ Brooklyn Park Seniors Tie the Knot at St. Therese
Two newlyweds at St. Therese in Brooklyn Park are living proof that it’s never too late to find love.
88-year-old Craig Sprowls and 76-year-old Patsy Sprowls tied the knot last month at the assisted living facility.

88-year-old Craig Sprowls and 76-year-old Patsy Sprowls share a laugh at St. Therese in Brooklyn Park.
They are still basking in the glow of their wedding day.
“The wedding was beautiful. They did such a beautiful job setting it up,” says Craig.
But before they got to the altar, these lovebirds first had to meet.
Craig, a widower, had been a resident at St. Therese in Brooklyn Park since 2016 and was growing lonely.
All that changed with the arrival of a new tenant in October of 2021.
“It was three days that I lived here, and I was walking through the lobby and in front of the fireplace there were two men sitting there, selling raffle tickets”, says Patsy, “and so I’m a humorous, and they said to me, ‘Would you like to buy a raffle ticket?’, and I go ‘No’, and they said ‘Oh, okay’, and I said, ‘I want three of them.'”
And with that, one of those ticket sellers, also known as Craig, was a goner.
The next day, Craig asked Patsy on a date, which led to many, many more.

88-year-old Craig Sprowls and 76-year-old Patsy Sprowls tie the knot on February 19, 2023.
The couple’s love and appreciation for one another has only grown deeper with each passing day.
“He has a gift of being a gentleman and a gentle man. Always caring and always watching out for me,” says Patsy.
“I thought right from the beginning that she was beautiful on the outside and the inside. She’s a giver. She really helps a lot of people around here,” says Craig.
Patsy’s giving spirit comes from a place that has experienced more loss than one person ever should.
She lost her daughter 20 years ago at the age of 26 to a brain tumor.
Patsy’s son passed away a year ago, her husband five years ago.
“I grieve yet, but it’s less and less every day. The grief is subsiding because I have Craig,” says Patsy.
Craig says his family has welcomed her with open arms.
“My daughters love her. They’ve accepted her right into the family,” says Craig.
Married life is bliss for this couple- they enjoy going out to eat, playing Wii bowling, watching movies, and traveling together.
Patsy has this message for others who think love can’t come around twice.
“I wasn’t looking. I love my husband. I was happy, but you never know. If the right one comes along, then you can fall in love again,” says Patsy.
Craig says they were only able to invite 60 of their close friends and family to the wedding, but they wish it could have been more.
That’s why they are planning a reception in the next couple of weeks.

Brooklyn Park Couple Craig and Patsy Sprowls on their wedding day at St. Therese.
The couple is keeping both of their apartments at St. Therese, splitting their time between both.