MnDOT Replacing Hwy. 169 Bridges at 36th, 63rd Avenues
Tuesday’s tragic bridge collapse in Baltimore has reminded Minnesotans of the devastating I-35W bridge failure in 2007 where 13 people lost their lives.
It’s also raised concerns about current bridge safety.
Officials at the Minnesota Department of Transportation say they regularly inspect bridges across the state.
Meanwhile, two bridges over Highway 169 are scheduled to be fully replaced as part of MnDOT’s routine maintenance schedule.
The 36th Avenue Bridge in Plymouth closes in June.
Construction on the 63rd Avenue Bridge in Brooklyn Park and Maple Grove will begin this April.

The 36th Avenue bridge in Plymouth will be replaced.
The bridges will be fully replaced with improved lighting, signage, and drainage.
MnDOT also plans to raise the height of the 36th Avenue bridge.
“A lot of these bridges were put in 10, 20, 30 years ago,” said MnDot spokesperson Ricardo Lopez, “Things change over time, and when we have the opportunity to update them to meet modern heights requirements we do that as well.”

The 36th Avenue bridge to be closed during its scheduled replacement.
Lopez hopes the bridge replacements give travelers confidence in the safety of their infrastructure.
“Our thoughts go out to our counterparts in Maryland and folks and the people who were lost on that bridge collapse,” Lopez said. “Obviously, Minnesota has its own history with bridge collapse, so as a result MnDOT takes very seriously inspections of bridges and making sure that they are property maintained and replaced when necessary.”
A multi-use trail for bicyclists and pedestrians will be added to the 63rd Avenue Bridge.
The bridges are scheduled to open in October.