Maple Grove Police Receive $10K Donation for Drone Program
The Maple Grove Police Department’s drone program received a $10,000 boost this month thanks to the generosity of a local religious organization.
The Hindu Society of Minnesota made the donation during the Jan. 21 Maple Grove City Council meeting. The money will help the department purchase a larger, more sophisticated drone.
“We at the Hindu Society of Minnesota are honored to make this contribution to help with the expansion of the department of public safety’s drone program, which will be an investment to help with responding swiftly to emergencies to locate missing persons, assess threats and save lives,” said Hindu Society of Minnesota President Shajive Jeganathan during the meeting.

Officer Brad Lind shows off the Maple Grove Police Department’s two drones.
Maple Grove Police currently have two drones — one that’s primarily used indoors to search buildings and another that’s mainly for outdoor use.
“We’re really grateful for that partnership with that organization that made the donation,” said Maple Grove Police Commander Jon Wetternach. “Because it truly helps get us tools that we need in Maple Grove to support the community in keeping people safe.”
The department plans to use the drones to search crime scenes, find missing people and assess hot spots during structure fires.
Related: Hindu Society Plans Maple Grove Expansion