Maple Grove Plans Oct. 7 Vigil to Remember Domestic Violence Victims
Six people in Maple Grove have died due to domestic violence so far in 2020. The city will remember them as well as bring awareness to domestic violence in a candlelight vigil on Wednesday, Oct. 7, at the Town Green in Maple Grove starting at 6 p.m. The Maple Grove Police Department is dedicating this year’s Domestic Violence Awareness Month to Maria Pew, a 28-year-old victim who died in April. Just this week, a neighborhood dedicated a little free library and food pantry in her memory.
The city invites the community to gather at the Town Green starting at 5:30 p.m. on Oct. 7. The program will begin at 6 p.m., rain or shine. Participants should dress for the weather, bring a lawn chair, wear a mask and maintain social distancing. Free parking is provided at the public ramp at the Maple Grove Library. Candles will be provided.
Maria Pew’s family and friends have organized a nonprofit called Maria’s Voice that works to “save lives, heal lives and change lives” impacted by domestic violence.
“We just felt in our hearts, no more. This cannot continue,” said Sara Silva, executive director of Maria’s Voice. “Since it’s touched our lives so profoundly, we just have a really deep drive to change this.”
Each evening in October purple lights will be lit at the Town Green and on the trees at the main entrance of the Maple Grove Public Safety Facility.