Maple Grove Celebrates the ‘Wonders of Winter’
Over the weekend in Maple Grove, it was a celebration of all things winter.
It may have been windy and cold, but that didn’t stop hundreds of people from coming out to Maple Grove’s ‘Wonders of Winter’ event on Saturday at Central Park.
“I like to roast marshmallows, and it’s just so beautiful,” said Maybelle Templin of Wayzata.
Families had an opportunity to roast marshmallows, ice skate, get up close and personal with llamas and take part in a number of different activities; all in the name of winter fun.
“It’s very important to us. We want to get people out in the park in the winter and provide these activities and services and things for our community,” said Roee Hecht, Maple Grove’s recreation coordinator. “We love to see it. People came out and supported, even on this windy day.”
Families also enjoyed free horse and wagon rides from Roselawn Stables, courtesy of the Maple Grove Lions Club.

Charlee Wogen prepares to bite into a roasted marshmallow at Maple Grove’s Wonders of Winter event.
Related: Maple Grove To Offer Wood-Fired Sauna at Central Park