Golden Valley Historical Society Publishes Comprehensive Research
The Golden Valley Historical Society evaluated Golden Valley’s historic resources from 1852 to 1975 and produced a study that is one of “the most comprehensive research documents ever written on the history of Golden Valley.”
A press release sent out by the Golden Valley Historical Society says historic context studies typically provide frameworks for evaluating a city’s historic resources based on theme, geographic limits and chronological periods. Simply put, it’s a document that could help support city planning and preservation.
The 102-page study contains several recommendations, one of which is to form a Heritage Preservation Commission, or HPC. The study also says Golden Valley does not have any National Register locations, but that there are several locations that show potential. A HPC would help identify locations that could qualify for the National Register and develop a process for nominations.
A grant helped make the research possible.
The Golden Valley Context Study is available for public viewing.
Did you know that CCX Media partnered with the Golden Valley Historical Society to produce a documentary on the city’s history? You can watch that show here.