Brooklyn Park Police Honor Tekoa Cochran with Community Service Award
A Brooklyn Park resident was recognized Monday for her efforts to bring peace and stability to her neighbors.
The Brooklyn Park Police Department honored Tekoa Cochran with the DeLois Bolden Brown Service to Community Award.
“Anyone can make a difference in the community,” said Tekoa Cochran.
Cochran founded The Village BP last April, a community-based organization to support residents of Huntington Place Apartments and other people living in Brooklyn Park.

Tekoa Cochran received an award during Monday’s city council meeting.
“I’m an action-type person, so when I see things, you know, that need to be corrected or addressed, I’m there,” said Cochran.
When she moved to the apartments, she saw disparities and poor living conditions, including leaking roofs, gas leaks, plumbing backups, and lack of heat and other issues. Cochran said things have improved.
She helped by opening the lines of communication between residents, apartment staff and Brooklyn Park police.
“We created stakeholder meetings where we regularly meet and talk about things and get updates,” said Cochran.
Cochran organized several events, including BBQs, sports activities and a coat drive. The engagement events blossomed into personal relationships that broke down barriers and increased trust.
While Cochran no longer lives at Huntington Place Apartments, she said work still needs to be done there. She’s honored to receive the community award and plans to continue doing good things in Brooklyn Park.
“I love this community, and I just want to continue to be a part of it,” she said.
Also See: Huntington Place Apartments Update: Progress on Repairs, Outreach