Brooklyn Park Domestic Violence Forum Planned for Hennepin Tech
October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The city of Brooklyn Park is organizing an event to teach others how domestic violence impacts different communities
Hennepin Technical College will host a panel discussion on domestic violence Thursday, Sept. 26. Attendees will learn about domestic violence prevention and also receive purple light bulbs.
Purple is used as a symbol dedicated to ending domestic violence. Many buildings in Brooklyn Park will display purple lights throughout October and city officials want residents to do the same.
“One thing that people really will learn when they attend this event is that domestic violence looks different in different communities,” said Lisa Kiava, spokesperson for Hennepin Technical College. “We have assembled a multicultural panel to discuss that issue, and we really believe that with more awareness, we can help prevent domestic violence.”
Thursday’s event is free to the public and kicks off at 5:45 p.m. with a light dinner. The program begins at 6 p.m.
Event organizers would like attendees to register for planning purposes. You can RSVP at