Brooklyn Park Company Helps Nonprofits Navigate Fundraising During COVID-19
Many nonprofits rely on galas or in-person fundraisers to help them raise money. However, since the COVID-19 pandemic started, nonprofit organizations have had to cancel many of those events due to social distancing guidelines.
But Brooklyn Park-based EideCom, an event production company, has stepped in to help.
“When we saw all of this happen, we realized that our customers, and of course, a lot of nonprofits, had a huge need still to connect with their audience,” said Charles Eide, CEO of EideCom. “And if they couldn’t connect in person, how could we help them?”
The answer, according to Eide, came in the form of a product his company developed called the Engagement Hub, which he describes as being “an all-encompassing remote, live-stream setup, that allows us to take anyone’s message and turn it into a professional-grade broadcast.”
Eide says many nonprofits wouldn’t be viable without the ability to raise money, but with the Engagement Hub, organizations such as ‘Be The Match’ have been able to replace those in-person events with virtual fundraisers.
“We don’t know when we’ll be able to gather, and it’s really important that we still are able to raise the very necessary money to keep these organizations moving forward and doing the critical work for our community,” Eide said. “And a lot of nonprofits are the backbone of our community, so we feel like it’s our role as an organization to help as much as we possibly can and providing them either deep, deep discounted rates, or even in some cases, completely free engagement use.”
Eide admits that EideCom won’t be able to help every nonprofit in need, but he encourages organizations to fill out an application at
“And we will be continually reviewing those applications,” he said. “We have not set an end date, cause we don’t know when COVID’s going to end.”