Maple Grove’s New Economic Development Manager Ready to “Help Create The Future” of City
Jennifer Monson knows what people in outstate Minnesota are looking for when they drive in from points all around the state, but especially from Up North, like where she grew up in Ely.

Maple Grove’s new economic development manager, Jennifer Monson, expressed excitement about the possibilities the still-developing city offers.
“When you come to the Twin Cities, Maple Grove is a really great destination for outstate Minnesota, right?” said Monson. “It has all of the shops and restaurants you may want to get to with easy parking, easy access, and lots of fun experiences that are just easily accessible in Maple Grove that may not be as accessible, say, in downtown Minneapolis.”
After more than eight years as an economic development and planning official with the City of St. Louis Park, Monson took over as the City Of Maple Grove’s economic development manager in January.
“At my last job..I worked on really, large complicated projects, primarily around light rail, but like I said, it was all redevelopment, right? All existing sights. They were all really complicated, and I wanted opportunities to work in a growing city, a lot of vacant land, and to help create the future of what the city is,” she said.
That’s meant jumping in and getting involved in the city.
“Meeting with businesses, meeting with the Maple Grove Business Association, and the I-94 West chamber, and Experience Maple Grove and just getting out there and meeting people–it’s been really helpful and I’ve learned it’s a really thriving business community,” she said.
Monson has dug into existing projects like the continued effort to extend the tax increment financing district in the former gravel mining pit area and other business developments around the city.
“Being strategically located along 94, 169, and 610 is really driving a lot of the development and just having a really great resident base and high-paying and great jobs, especially in the med-tech industry, it’s been really fun to be a part of so far,” she said.
Monson also said she’s enjoyed getting to know those in the business community who may call her office for help or with questions about how they can move forward with plans they have for their footprint.
“I’m a really good place to be a one-stop shop for ‘Where do I go from here? I have questions, I need help. Who do I contact?’” she said. “Contact me, and I will direct you to the best people to help you.”