Cooper Activities Director John Oelfke Retiring
It’s the final week on the job for longtime Cooper High School activities director John Oelfke.
Oelfke is retiring at the end of June.
He took over as Cooper AD in 2002.
Prior to that Oelfke was Cooper’s head football coach from 1990-2001 and head baseball coach from 1991-99.
Oelfke coached Cooper to its first-ever state appearance in football in 1996.
He also was co-head coach when the girls hockey program started as a co-op with Armstrong in the 1995-’96 season.
Oelfke started in District 281 in 1986.
In retirement, he plans to spend more time with his family and do plenty of fishing.
John admits he’ll miss game nights, and says the people he met along the way: students, coaches, and other AD’s, will also be missed.