Brooklyn Center City Council Candidate
Sizi Goyah
Position Seeking:
Brooklyn Center City Council
Website to learn more about me:
What are your qualifications for this office?
I am a tenured math teacher at Brooklyn Center Secondary STEAM, the only high school physically located in the city. I believe that the viability of our city heavily depends on an educated and empowered citizenry that’s why I love teaching in Brooklyn Center. I live in Brooklyn Center. I work in Brooklyn Center. I am invested in Brooklyn Center.
What do you hope to accomplish in office?
I hope to use our proximity to the Twin Cities and our diversity to make Brooklyn Center attractive to businesses and employers . The current trend of economic decline has to be halted if this city is to be livable. We also must invest in our communities.
*Economic empowerment of our residents
* Variety in housing stock.
* Public Safety Reform
*Climate Justice