Weekend Showcase: Kristi Kuder Presents ‘Momento’ at Hopkins Center for the Arts
There’s a new exhibition up in the Redepenning Gallery at the Hopkins Center for the Arts. It’s called “Momento: Living in Abstraction,” by artist Kristi Swee Kuder.
“There’s a wide variety of objects on display, including two-dimensional wall hanging pieces, installation work, sculptural pieces in a wide variety of mediums,” said Jim Clark, visual arts manager at the Hopkins Center for the Arts.
Kuder blends together an array of different textures, including wire mesh.
“Wire mesh which she treats as a textile. And wire that she treats like thread. These pieces behind me are wire mesh that have been fire treated. So she takes a torch to essentially draw those surface designs and textures,” said Clark.

Kristi Kuder presents “Momento” at the Hopkins Center for the Arts
You could say some artwork may leave you feeling “blue.”
“She’s also used cyanotype which is a distinctive blue photo sensitive emulsion that you can treat paper with and create photographs or expose other objects,” said Clark.
The installations are intriguing and allow the imagination to wander.