Weekend Showcase: Golden Valley, St. Louis Park Team Up with Robbin Gallery
In a virtual nod to the times, the Golden Valley and St. Louis Park arts communities have teamed up for a collaborative virtual show at the Robbin Gallery, which is in Robbinsdale.
Golden Valley Arts and St. Louis Park Friends of the Arts hosted the third annual Artist Showcase at Robbin Gallery, which saw it as an opportunity to bring a new show to its space. The exhibit will only be experienced online.
“What we will do instead is offer three brand new ways of viewing and experiencing artist showcase,” said John Kluchka with Golden Valley Arts.

Artist Showcase exhibit at Robbin Gallery
Three Ways to Enjoy the Show
Kluchka secured the use of a special 360 digital camera to help create a virtual experience that is quite compelling. He says there are three ways you can enjoy the show.
“The first is going to be a first ever 360 virtual gallery where you’ll be able to walk through in virtual space. You’ll be able to see all the artwork both on a desktop, on your phone, or even on your VR headset,” said Kluchka.
The virtual tour is engaging and kind of addictive. But if you’re a little more traditional and just want good images of the works that you can study, there are options too.
“The second is going to be a web gallery that you can find on our websites. And a third will be an exclusive Instagram gallery,” he said.
Through a lot of photography and image work done by Kluchka and other volunteers, they’ve created a show that has an unlimited life span. It’s available anywhere and shows off the warm and welcoming atmosphere of the Robbin Gallery. And that’s not all, says Kluchka.
“We have an entire media wall that is dedicated to film that you can watch right online or right in the 3D virtual showcase. There are also music performances from local artists,” he said.

Artist Showcase at Robbin Gallery