Weekend Showcase: Dog Agility Trials Come to Maple Grove
A dog training facility in Maple Grove is opening its doors to spectators this weekend for a competition featuring man’s best friend.
Cloud Nine Training School for Dogs, located at 11528 96th Ave. N., is hosing all-breed agility trials through Sunday this weekend.
“This is a game, so you have beginner dogs and you have dogs that are highly experienced,” said agility judge Candy Nettles.
During the trials, dogs will navigate an obstacle course, jumping over bars and running over see saws.
“People are going to try to do this as fast as they can, because it is, you know, the fastest time wins with a clean run,” Nettles said.

A trainer guides his dog over an obstacle during agility trials at Cloud Nine Training School for Dogs.
Trainers from far and wide traveled to participate in the event, which is sponsored by the English Springer Spaniel Field Trail Association.
“People came from all over,” said Katy Patregnani, a participant in the trials. “We have someone that came from Wisconsin to run, Iowa to run.”
The event runs from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Friday, July 19 through Sunday, July 21.
Admission is free for spectators.
Top competitors will win prizes, including ribbons for the highest achievement in agility.
“These [awards] represent years and years sometimes, and lots of work and lots of help or lots of training,” said Cloud Nine owner Dawn Falk.
But, for some dog lovers, being together is prize enough.
“It’s just the joy of doing something with your companion, and that’s really the biggest benefit,” Nettles said. “And the friends, the friendships you make.”