Twin Cities Artist Adam Turman Shares ‘Deep Local’ Golden Valley Connection
Artist Adam Turman has ten pieces of artwork scattered throughout St. Louis Park and Golden Valley to promote local businesses and events.
Some of the art has a ‘deep local’ reference that only locals might catch.
“I’m taking a little bit more of what the locals know about the area, or iconic things and expanding on those things. Golden Valley is known for this house that has amazing daffodils in it, just thousands and thousands of daffodils,” explained Turman.
Turman was referring to daffodils planted by Warren Kapsner at his home on Edgewood Avenue.

Golden Valley man plants thousands of daffodils to uplift community.
As a nod to those daffodils, Turman included them in his piece of artwork called “Hot Dish Girl.”
Each piecs of art has a scannable QR code that goes into detail about local events and businesses.
See also: Art Seen in Golden Valley Encourages People to Shop Local