Toyota Prius Owners Beware: Crystal Sees Spike in Catalytic Converter Thefts
Crystal police have sent out a crime alert after they noticed an upward trend in catalytic converter thefts, including three such thefts involving Toyota Prius vehicles this past weekend.
“My understanding is that there’s something about the Prius, the way the Prius catalytic converter is built that it’s actually worth more,” said Crystal Deputy Chief Brian Hubbard.
Catalytic converters are located under vehicles between the exhaust muffler and the engine. Their main function is to reduce pollutants before they exit the exhaust. They also contain valuable metals that can be sold to recyclers. According to police, thieves commit the crime by jacking up the vehicle and using cut-off tools.
“It’s not a real quick process to cut it out, as opposed to smashing a window and grabbing a wallet out or something,” explained Hubbard.
This type of theft has occurred in the CCX News viewing area in recent years. Crystal police say they see “peaks and valleys” of catalytic converter thefts with more of them happening recently.
“Be observant of what’s going on and anything that seems out of place, let us know,” Hubbard said.

Photo of catalytic converter beneath vehicle