Robbinsdale School District Extends Bus Contract
The Robbinsdale School District has extended the contract to its current busing provider, Durham Transportation Services. This came after accepting a settlement for canceled routes during the 2021-2022 school year due to a driver shortage.
The board met in closed session to discuss the settlement. Three new school board members, ReNae Bowman, Caroline Long, and Kim Holmes, abstained from the vote saying they did not have enough information to cast a vote. The remaining board members voted for the measure, so it passed.
Board documents say all bus routes are currently running and have been consistent. It also says all athletic, activity and field trips have been covered since the school year started.
Board documents also outline a $652,058.82 settlement for missing routes in the 2021-2022 school year. You can read the documents here and watch the school board meeting here.
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