Plymouth Reports At Least 19 Vehicle Thefts in July So Far
Plymouth police say car thefts are on the rise.
Just this month, at least 19 cars have been stolen, and in some cases, keys were left inside the cars. There have also been 31 thefts from cars. These latest break-ins involve thieves walking through open garages and unlocked homes or opening up unlocked cars to steal valuables from inside.
“These suspects are not breaking into cars or breaking into the homes. Most of the time they’re walking through an open garage or opening unlocked cars and stealing items,” said Plymouth Police Chief Erik Fadden.
Fadden says these thefts can easily be prevented if you do the following:
- Lock your car at all times
- Keep your garage shut or locked even while home
- Remove keys and valuables from your car
- Keep garage remotes out of sight