Park Center Senior High School Standout Student Has Passion for Collecting CDs
Sophia Jermstad bore down on her cello inside her Park Center Senior High School orchestra class as her teacher brought the ensemble to the climax of an arrangement of the “Star Wars” theme by John Williams. Jermstad said it’s a perfect song to prepare and perform.
“We start with the Princess Leia theme,” said Jermstad. “It’s really soft and it’s really slow and it’s really pretty, and all of a sudden we’re going into the Darth Vader and it’s crazy!”
The junior brings the same intensity to just about every other activity she’s involved in. Grab a pen, because there’s quite a list: National Honor Society, recreational dance, 4-H, the Brooklyn Park Ambassador program, and even robotics.
“It really helps me figure out what I really want to do, maybe what I’m not so interested in,” she said. “All of the skills I learn help me get to the place where I’m going to be.”
She’s also played lacrosse for six years, and is a defensive player on the Osseo-Park Center combined girl’s squad.
“Every practice and every game, I learn something new. I’m always improving every day, and it’s a lot of fun for me, and it’s a lot of fun to meet all these people,” she said.

(Photo provided by Sophia Jermstad) Park Center Senior High School Junior Sophia Jermstad plays defense for the OPC girl’s lacross team.
Lacrosse may be what gets Jermstad to college, as she’s already begun the recruitment process.
“It’s a lot of fun, just seeing where I can go with it,” she said.
In what spare time she does have, Jermstad enjoys collecting CDs. Those relics of the 1980s and 1990s have a special place in the heart of a young woman not born until around the same time the first iPhone debuted.
“It’s something that me and my dad really connect with, like, he started out giving me CDs and then my grandma gave me some,” said Jermstad, who said her favorite CD is her copy of Nirvana’s In Utero. “It’s really fun to see all the different designs that there are.”
But as for her packed schedule, Jermstad she’s got the foundation she needs to be able to do everything and to succeed.
“It’s a lot of time management, and I think that’s going to help, especially when I get to college,” she said. “I have a really good calendar, and my parents are really supportive.”

Just a small sample of Jermstad’s CD collection
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