Monroe Elementary Hosts Major Funding Announcement To Boost Literacy
A literacy program that’s benefiting students in Brooklyn Park received a big funding boost.
“These resources will benefit hundreds of teachers and thousands and thousands and thousands of students,” said Minnesota Education Commissioner Willie Jett.
Jett was one of a number of guests who gathered Wednesday, May 29 at Monroe Elementary in Brooklyn Park to announce a major investment in the literacy program Bridge2Read.
Bridge2Read is a free resource designed by the nonprofit ServeMinesota. The program provides science-based instruction that teachers can use for students in kindergarten through third grade to help build foundational literacy skills.
Monroe Elementary was one of the early test sites for the program.
The SPS Foundation announced it will invest $2.5 million over three years into the Bridge2Read program to help train more teachers.
“It’s a free resource, and so with the additional funding they’re going to be able to train more people to teach more kids,” said Monroe Elementary Principal Amy Oliver. “And because it’s a free program, it’s accessible to many schools across the state. Despite, you know, what funding they do or don’t have. So, I think that’s a huge deal.”
According to ServeMinnesota, the investment will help train more than 500 teachers, reaching 14,000 students statewide.
Related: Structured Literacy Improves Reading Scores in Osseo Area Schools