Maple Grove Rotary Builds Dam in India
Water is something we take for granted in the Land of 10,000 lakes.
But the Rotary Club of Maple Grove is embarking on a very ambitious project. They want to bring water to a region in central India and they are partnering with two other clubs there to build a dam.
Raj Khankari is president-elect of the Rotary Club of Maple Grove. He recently visited India to see the area where the club hopes to install a dam and by doing so, change the lives of the people who live there.
“It will have a long-term impact. It will have an impact for generations to come,” said Khankari. “In general, India is having a water crisis. The situation gets worse in tribal areas.”
Some areas of India get the majority of their water during the monsoon season, but that water doesn’t stick around. People leave rural areas to live and work in the city during dry months. People, mainly women, spend large portions of their time hauling water.
Building what’s called a “check dam” would keep the water in place and supply farmers and families with water year-round.
“What this project will do is provide them with sustainable income. They can grow different crops,” said Khankari. “That’s the idea behind the project.”
But the club isn’t acting alone. They are partnering with two other Rotary Clubs from India as well as a Non-Governmental Organization. The total cost is $30,000 and grants are paying for part of the project.
The club hopes to complete the project next year. The dam will help families in the state of Maharashtra, near Patilpada and Ramvadi.
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