Maple Grove Hears Pros, Cons of I-94 Noise Wall
An upcoming reconstruction project on I-94 in Maple Grove has residents along Rice Lake asking a question: Should we build a wall? Make that a noise reduction wall.
The noise along I-94 became an unexpected topic of discussion during open forum at this week’s Maple Grove City Council meeting. MnDOT tells residents it has budgeted for a noise reduction wall should they want it. People who live, run or bike along rice lake will be impacted by it.
Pros, Cons of Noise Wall
“The people that use the lake, where they’re in their boat on Rice Lake, you can’t hear anybody on your boat if you’re within 50 yards of the trails where the highway is,” said Bob Drag, who lives along Rice Lake.
“I am not for the wall,” said Biddy Waletzko, who also lives near Rice Lake. “I think Rice Lake is a beautiful lake. It’s a beautiful gem. We have the noise. We can’t do anything about it.”
Engineers say the wall may help for some homeowners, but for others across the lake, it may not help at all.
“I’ve been in Maple Grove for almost 30 years,” said Maple Grove City Council member Karen Jaeger, who also lives near Rice Lake. “And the day I moved in, of course there wasn’t that much noise, but it was noisy. And I complained to the city, and all I get back is, it’s not going to work.”
Neighbors who would be impacted should have received a letter in the mail from MnDOT and can provide their feedback. The Maple Grove City Council will also weigh in, holding a vote, possibly in February.
To learn more about the I-94 construction project: click here on MnDOT’s website.