Maple Grove Fire Dept. Sees Increase in Outdoor Recreational Fire Calls
Maple Grove Fire Department officials say they are seeing an increase in so-called “fire check” calls. Fire Chief Tim Bush says they are getting calls from residents about people burning leaves or brush, which is not allowed in Maple Grove.

Recreational fire courtesy Maple Grove Fire Department
“This time of year, especially, we have people burning leaves and yard waste from the previous season, brush and branches which have fallen. All of that material needs to go to the Maple Grove Yard Waste Site. We also get calls about recreational fires, people wanting to make sure their neighbors are following guidelines,” said Chief Bush.
The Maple Grove Yard Waste site opened to the public April 13. Anyone in Maple Grove, Brooklyn Center, Brooklyn Park, Champlin, Dayton, New Hope, Crystal and Rogers can haul yard waste debris there. Learn more about what is accepted here.
Chief Bush thinks the department is seeing an increase in calls because more people are at home because of the stay-at-home order and they have more time to check on their neighbors. But he says the request for service is pulling on resources.
“We’re trying to manage how we’re using our firefighters, so we minimize their potential exposure to the COVID-19,” said Bush. “It’s extremely dry right now. People need to be careful.”
Monday is not the day for outdoor burning anyway. The National Weather Service has issued a “red-flag” warning for parts of Minnesota, including the Twin Cities.
Hennepin County officials also issued a “fire weather watch” April 20 from 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. Wind gusts between 35-40 mph and low humidity means fires that develop are likely to spread rapidly. The Minnesota DNR lists Hennepin County in a restricted burn status.
Residents can still have recreational fires when there is not a fire danger, but they need a permit in Maple Grove. You can learn more about that on the Maple Grove website.
Golden Valley’s recreational fire guidelines do not allow recreational fires anytime wind speeds are greater than 10 mph. They also alerted people to a fire danger on Monday.