Grace Fellowship Church Delivers Care Packages to Health Care Workers
Summer interns and members of the congregation from Grace Fellowship Church in Brooklyn Park did something special for a collection of health care workers Wednesday morning.
“We know that they’re getting a lot of love right now, but we wanted to make sure that everyone at the hospital was recognized, because COVID impacts everyone that works there,” said Vada Stoddard, a summer intern lead from Grace Fellowship Church. “They all have to go through safety precautions, they all have to deal with circumstances that they’re not used to, and we just wanted to make sure that everyone felt that they were loved and appreciated.”
To show that appreciation, the Grace Fellowship interns and other church staff members loaded 286 laundry baskets onto a bus bound for Mercy Hospital in Coon Rapids and Unity Hospital in Fridley.
The baskets contained care packages featuring things like snacks, drinks, puzzles, games, coloring books and socks.
Grace Fellowship’s summer interns went to local stores to collect some of the materials, while the rest of the items came courtesy of the church congregation.
“I think it’s really amazing, the kindness and just the humility a lot of people have, and are willing to donate and help people,” Stoddard said. “I think especially in this time with COVID, it’s hard on a lot of people, so just the fact that people are willing to step up and bless people they know are on the front lines is really cool.”
In total, the church hopes to help about 1,400 health care workers between Unity and Mercy Hospitals.