Golden Valley Seeks Feedback On Highway 55 Trail Project
In the spring of 2021, a major resurfacing project will take place on Highway 55 in Golden Valley between General Mills Boulevard and Highway 100. Part of that project will involve the construction of a brand new bike and pedestrian trail.
Now, the city wants Golden Valley residents to provide their input on that trail project.
The resurfacing project on Highway 55 is a $3.2 million project spearheaded by the Minnesota Department of Transportation. In addition to resurfacing the road, crews will expand the size of the median islands and enhance accessibility at intersections to improve safety.
Highway 55 Project Includes Proposed Trail
On the south side of Highway 55 between Winnetka and Glenwood Avenues, the city of Golden Valley is making plans for a 10-foot wide trail on MnDOT’s existing right-of-way that will have room for both bicycles and pedestrians.
To make room for this trail, crews will have to remove trees and do grading work on the ditch adjacent to the highway.
The estimated construction cost of the trail is between $250,000 and $300,000. Golden Valley city officials say MnDOT has budgeted $300,000 to contribute to construction. After completion, Golden Valley will own, operate and maintain the trail.
The final design will be completed later this summer. The construction project would take about eight weeks to finish.
Anyone with questions or comments is welcome to weigh in at the city of Golden Valley’s website.