Golden Valley Requesting $7 Million in Bonding for New Fire Station
Golden Valley plans to ask the state legislature for $7 million to build a new fire station.
The city recently received $3 million in bonding for the project.
The Golden Valley City Council supported the move in a recent meeting.
“We’ve passed the first stage of it — if this was like Super Mario Brothers, we’re past the castle, I think,” said Council Member Maurice Harris.

Golden Valley plans to ask for $7 million in bonding to construct a new fire station.
The city is estimating the total cost of the rebuild to be approximately $14 million.
If the legislature approves the funding request, city officials said they expect construction to begin late 2024 or early 2025.
Golden Valley is planning to transition from a paid-on-call fire department to a full-time duty crew model. In this model, firefighters would staff the city’s fire stations 24/7.
To implement the new model, the fire department plans to close two of the three existing fire stations. The downtown fire station will remain open and the city would construct a new station with modern amenities designed for overnight stays.
The city has selected four potential sites for the new fire station.
The bonding funds allocated to the city in the last round of bonding are earmarked for site acquisition and design work for the new fire station.