First Responders Search for Talent at Hennepin Tech Career Fair
First responders from around the Twin Cities made their way to Brooklyn Park on Thursday in search of some new recruits.
“We need a solid team. We need a variety of players on our team. We need a diverse set of skills and experiences and cultural backgrounds,” said Cmdr. Garett Flesland of the Brooklyn Center Police Department. “And when we put that team together, we can do incredible things. We can solve lots of problems.”
The Brooklyn Center Police Department was one of 70 different agencies gathered at Hennepin Technical College for a first responder career fair.
Fire departments, EMS and dispatchers were also on hand to hire talent.

The Brooklyn Center Police Department hoped to recruit young talent at the first responder career fair.
In Brooklyn Center, they’re currently short eight sworn officers, but they hope to close that gap by offering a $10,000 bonus for anyone making a lateral move, or $5,000 for a new recruit out of school.
“You have no idea who you’re going to meet when you’re out at events like this, and it’s been refreshing — the excitement, the energy, and the enthusiasm of some of these young people,” Flesland said.
The Plymouth Police Department was also on hand at the event. They’re looking to hire three officers. Starting pay would be between $33.56 and $50.39 an hour, depending on experience. The department also offers a variety of health and wellness benefits for police.

The Plymouth Police Department was also on-hand at Hennepin Technical College, hoping to hire some interested recruits.
Related: Golden Valley Looks to Hire Police from Other Cities to Fill Staffing Needs