Dancing Bear Chocolate Creates Neighborhood Pumpkin Patch
Dancing Bear Chocolate in north Minneapolis got a delivery of pumpkins this week and turned them into a pumpkin patch for neighbors.
“Our CSA farmer brings us pumpkins. We thought of giving them away, but we thought of it as ‘let’s tag it with a fundraiser’ and try to raise money for the local food shelf,” said Joe Skifter, co-owner.
People who pick up a pumpkin are encouraged to donate to the Camden Promise food shelf.
Dancing Bear Chocolate is operated by Robbinsdale residents and is located in a neighborhood, not a retail area.
“There’s a lot of children in the neighborhood and a lot of people with new babies,” said Skifter. “You don’t have to drive 30-40 miles to a pumpkin farm to pick out a pumpkin. We’ve got them right here for you. We try to make it convenient. It’s something that’s not really found right around here.”
People who pick up a pumpkin are encouraged to donate to the Camden Promise food shelf.