Crystal To Open New Bassett Creek Dog Park
Crystal dog owners will soon have a new place to bring their pets to in one of the city’s parks. The new Bassett Creek Dog Park is set to open this week.
The grand opening is part of the “Bark in the Park” event the city is having Wednesday at the park, located near the intersection of Brunswick and 32nd avenues north.
The event Wednesday runs from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m and is open to everyone. There will be vendors and other businesses with booths set up, catering mostly to dog owners, and there will be a ribbon cutting at 6 p.m.
“We know that there’s a strong community of dog owners, specifically in this Bassett Creek Park area,” said Scott Berggren, recreation services manager for the city of Crystal. “They’ve been good stewards to the other dog park that currently exists here and we know they will be for this new dog park as well.”

The two portions of the new dog park at Bassett Creek Park in Crystal open on Wednesday.
What makes this park unique, Berggren said, is it’s two parcels separated by a road with each side designed for larger dogs or smaller animals. The easternmost side for the larger dogs is approximately two acres and the westernmost side for smaller pets is approximately one acre in size. Berggren said it’s important that all dog owners feel comfortable bringing their pets to the parks to enjoy.
“[The city] wanted to provide that opportunity for those owners to still experience a dog park and bring their dog to a dog park and get their dog and themselves some exercise in a way that works for them,” said Berggren. “I think it’s really cool that we’ve been able to do that for them.”
The current dog park space at Bassett Creek Park, located on the easternmost side of the park, will eventually be converted into an open grass field.
Also See: Brooklyn Park Chef Starts Must Be Ruff, Offers Healthy Treats for Dogs