Crystal Couple Entertains Stay-At-Home Crowds Via Facebook Live
A Crystal couple is using social media to help people escape the doldrums of covid-19 quarantine life. Paula and Clint Booker are familiar with performing in front of crowds.
“We do run a karaoke show, it’s normally at a resort in Birchwood Wisconsin during the summertime,” Paula said. “It’s doesn’t look like we’re going to be able to start that though right away.”

Paula and Clint Booker perform karaoke from their Crystal home to entertain stay-at-home crowd.
Last week, the duo started belting out tunes via Facebook Live. From the comfort of their living room, they serenade the online crowd. Paula nails classic songs like Patsy Cline’s “Crazy.” While Clint belts out, “It’s a Wonderful World,” by Louise Armstrong.
“It’s a fun form of entertainment and gets us together with our friends,” explained Paula.
The couple tried doing a live show and had people calling in, but there was a delay. So, they decided to go online via Facebook Live.
“I just enjoy it, because I like singing,” Clint said.
Their Facebook friends like live concerts. Many respond by sending hearts or asking for more songs. The two say it’s essential to keep people smiling during this difficult time. “People can laugh, hang upon us, whatever,” said Paula.
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You can catch the Paula and Clint show every Friday at 8 p.m. via Facebook Live.