Civic Groups Continue Toy Donation Tradition for 33rd Year
David Dumas has organized a drive to purchase toys for homeless shelters throughout the Twin Cities for 33 years.
“These guys donate the money,” explained Dumas, who owns a jewelry store in St. Louis Park. “We started 33 years ago to collect toys for battered women’s shelter at Home Free, but now we’ve expanded. We cover as many of the battered women’s shelters as need be.”
The Northwest Area Jaycees and Rotary Club of Crystal, New Hope, and Robbinsdale collect money. Then volunteers go shopping for toys at Fleet Farm in Brooklyn Park. This year they collected $5,500 and shopped for 28 carts full of toys.
“It’s beneficial to everyone concerned, children, workers, parents, everybody at Christmastime will have joy from this type of program and event,” said Sharon Green, a Rotary member.
If there are any toys that don’t get handed out over the December holidays, staff at the shelters save them to be given away for birthday presents throughout the year.
Crystal | Golden Valley | New Hope | Plymouth | Robbinsdale