Golden Valley Mayors Minutes: Local Sales Tax Option, New Trails, and New Homes
Golden Valley Mayor Shep Harris urges voters to cast their ballot this fall for a new mayor and city council member as well as on a local option sales tax.
“It’s very important that people get educated and vote. You can either vote in November or vote now,” explained Harris in a Mayors Minutes interview.
Voters can learn more about the local option at

HOPE project build underway in Golden Valley.
HOPE underway in Golden Valley
Mayor Harris says there are four homes in the works that part of the Home Ownership Program for Equity (HOPE).
“This is very intentional. The city council is trying to find and has found in working with city staff, properties that are available for BIPOC communities to move in and help better diversify Golden Valley,” said Harris. “So we have four properties in action right now, we have four lined up for next year.”
The most visible HOPE home that is in the works is on the corner of Douglas Drive and Olympia Ave. It’s a Habitat for Humanity house and there have been several volunteers working on the home this summer.
There’s also excitement regarding a possibly additional trail.
“Residents in Golden Valley love their trails,” said Harris.
The Canadian Pacific Trail parallels the Canadian Pacific rail line. It starts in Crystal and extends into Bloomington.
“There’s been a lot of conversation about our segment and the report and details of a survey is going to be coming out soon from the Three Rivers Park District,” said Harris.
Harris also reminds residents to participate in Mighty-Tidy Clean-up day, which is coming up in mid-October.