Crystal Seeks Residents to Serve on New Sustainability Commission
The City of Crystal hopes its new Sustainability Commission can begin meeting in early 2025. The city continues to take applications from residents for up to ten members.
Architect Bethanie Zeller is one of the first appointed to the commission.
“Sustainability has always been a passion project for me,” said Zeller. “I was trained as an architect, so I’ve always been taught from very early-on in my career that the decisions that I make in my career have an impact, and those add up over time. It’s important for the world for us to make those decisions and to really be educated about our impact.”
She said she expects the group will tackle big problems by finding smaller solutions that advance the city toward solving sustainability goals.
“I think a lot of people understand where we are now and where we want to be, but it’s that middle process that’s really difficult to wrap your head around,” said Zeller. “We get to be that group that really gets to dive in to what that may look like for the everyday Crystal citizen or business owner, and we get to help define what that is and see how those little steps develop over time to get us from this point to this point on our ultimate goal.”
It is open to those 15 years and older, with a special encouragement for youth involvement, underscoring the city’s commitment to future generations.
To join, visit On that page, fill out and submit this Advisory Boards and Commissions Application. Commission members appointed by the city council will represent both sections of the city, with at-large members to ensure a diverse range of perspectives.
Appointed members will represent both sections of the city, with at-large members to ensure a diverse range of perspectives.