Women’s History Month: Hennepin Tech Highlights Women Breaking Career Barriers
Hennepin Tech is shining a light on women in non-traditional fields for Women’s History Month. They have a panel discussion coming up on March 5. We also share the story of Jessica Neubauer, who is pursuing cabinet-making.
Jessica Neubauer’s story
Jessica Neubauer is a rare find. She’s one of the best students in her cabinetry class. She’s also the only female.
“Who doesn’t like power tools?” said Neubauer. “I love power tools.”
Neubauer credits her love of power tools to her dad. She would follow him around while he worked in their garage.
But she didn’t go into cabinet-making right away. She worked for 20-plus years in publishing and wanted a job away from a computer. So, Neubauer began taking night classes at the Brooklyn Park campus in January 2019.
“It’s a lot more satisfying building something with your hands and doing something with your hands than sitting behind a computer screen” said Neubauer. “I did that for 20 years and I’m kind-of done with technology.”
Now, Neubauer can rattle off the projects she’s completed in class. A dresser. A nightstand. A vanity. Saw horses. Even kitchens.
Should being a female have dissuaded her from going into cabinet-making? No way, says Neubauer.
“There’s no limits. If you want to go build houses, build houses. If you want to work on cars, work on cars. There’s nothing that should stop you.”
It’s a message that resonates with Hennepin Technical College. They are emphasizing women in non-traditional fields during March, which is Women’s History Month.
“Times are changing and employers are embracing diversity and inclusion,” said Lisa Kiava, media relations at the college. Kiava says the campus couldn’t be prouder of Neubauer and the trail that she’s blazing. The campus encourages everyone to follow the career path they want. “We don’t want anyone to feel like there’s some artificial reason why they can’t enter a job, a career that they love.”
Hennepin Technical College in Brooklyn Park will also host an event coming up on March 5.
“Unconventional Jobs, Unstoppable Women: Panel Discussion”
Thursday, March 5, 2020
11:30 am: Lunch
Noon: Panel Discussion
Hennepin Technical College, Brooklyn Park (9000 Brooklyn Blvd. Brooklyn Park)
This is a FREE event and open to the public.
For more information about Hennepin Technical College, click here.