Volunteers Organize Drive-Through Plant Sale for NEAR Food Shelf
Green Guilds Ecological Design and Cornerstone Church in Crystal have a plant sale planned for Saturday, June 6 to benefit NEAR Food Shelf in Crystal. The sale will be 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Cornerstone Church parking lot, 5000 West Broadway.
“We are joining forces with Cornerstone Church here in Crystal. We are using their parking lot and they are going to extend their volunteers to help us with a plant sale to benefit the NEAR foodshelf. Twenty percent of our proceeds will go to the NEAR foodshelf,” said Elizabeth Dahl for Green Guilds Ecological Design. The Crystal business is providing plants for the sale.
This plant sale will be a drive-through.
“We’ll bringing people through in an organized fashion. You’ll be able to stop at different stations to pick up the plants you are interested in and to talk with someone about the plants,” said Dahl.
There’s a vast variety of plants, but they are all edible.
We have medicinal plants, and vegetable plants, and we have companion planting options. If people want to know what goes with what we can guide that. That’s part of out design element,” said Alana Bliss, owner of Green Guilds Ecological Design. “We wanted to help people to have food security. Gardening also relieves depression. And so, because people were stuck at home, we thought this was a great way to get people out and engaging with the land in their backyard.”