The Food Group in New Hope Hosts All-Day Packing Event on Saturday
The Food Group in New Hope supplies food to local food shelves. They are planning an all-day packing event on Saturday, Sept. 12.
“This weekend, we’re excited. On Saturday, we’re hosting an all day pack-a-thon to get boxes of nonperishable staples that we can distribute to community members,” said said Sophia Lenarz-Coy , executive director of The Food Group. “With COVID-19, food needs are just so high. So many of our food shelf partners need pre-boxed things to keep people safe and well fed.”
The Food Group has limited the size of its volunteer groups inside the warehouse. So it has limited it’s ability to get boxes packed on a large scale. By having the event outside, they’re hoping to accommodate more volunteers at one time.
“We’ve got three volunteer groups who will be coming to the warehouse on Saturday. If it’s sunny we’ll be out in our parking lot. Otherwise we’ll set it up socially distancing in our warehouse to pack over 4000 boxes this Saturday,” said Lennarz-Coy.
As of right now all the volunteer slots are filled for this event. But, The Food Group does have weekly opportunities for individuals and groups to come sort and pack food in their warehouse. Check out their website for more information.