Brooklyn Park TCF Bank Branch Robbed, One in Custody
Police arrested a male suspect following a TCF Bank branch robbery in Brooklyn Park Saturday afternoon.
The incident happened at the TCF Bank located on 9655 Colorado Lane in the Cub Foods supermarket north of Highway 610. The suspect gave the teller a note, then fled the scene.
“The suspect implied he had a weapon but did not brandish one,” said Brooklyn Park Deputy Police Chief Mark Bruley. “He did get away with an undisclosed amount of money.”
Blaine police arrested the suspect in Anoka County a short time after the heist.
“Our advice is always to comply and give the person what they want,” Bruley said. “A lot of times when we see these cases of robbery, specifically bank robbery, these can be people that are very desperate. We always encourage them that no amount of money is worth somebody getting injured over. We always just encourage them to just turn any money over.”
According to Bruley there have been no recent bank robberies in Brooklyn Park. Brooklyn Park and Blaine detectives are teaming up to try and piece together exactly what happened.
“It will be charged by Blaine Police Department,” Bruley said. “We’ve committed to assist them in any way that they need to resolve this case.”