Stages Theatre Company Offers Fall Workshops
Even though your school system may elect to continue learning virtually, there’s a bonafide in-person opportunity – socially distanced, of course – for your preschooler to experience an interactive workshop in the park this fall with Stages Theatre Company.
“We will be back here in this beautiful park in Hopkins,” said Megan Collins, education director for Stages Theatre Company.
For a preschooler and their lucky adult, this can be a very welcome break outside and in a beautiful setting.
“It’s something to look forward to in a pandemic,” said Ellen Wolf, who had her two young pirate sons at a workshop.
“The program is awesome. The teachers are very good. Our girls have a lot of fun. They make it a lot of fun. They keep dancing at home and practicing at home,” said Amid Deshbande, who had his two young daughters at the event.
Stages has been offering productions and workshops for preschoolers for a long time. But because of the pandemic, it wanted to try something completely different.
“We didn’t know exactly how the kids would respond. It’s new for them. It’s new for us. But the second that we get started they’re right there with us. They’re jumping, they’re dancing, they’re laughing, they’re singing. And they are really having fun and being creative for this magical 45 minutes,” said Collins.
Looking forward to autumn
The summer classes are winding down. But fall classes start in September and will fill up fast.
“We will always do a guided creative drama adventure. There will always be singing, dancing, and an opportunity for the kids to play a character,” said Collins.
Everyone is seated at a distance in the park. Parents, grandparents and adults are encouraged to accompany and play along with their children. This is a stay and play activity and there is no drop-off of children allowed.
“That’s been the hardest thing about quarantine. You don’t get to see that joy and that excitement that the kids bring. But we do on days like today which is super special,” said Collins.
Stages Theatre fall camp: more information.